The Husband – My Breast Implant Removal Story

The Husband – My Breast Implant Removal Story

*Post updated September 2022

breast implant removal

Why I Had My Breast Implants Removed- Part 4

God is Leading the Way

My first, “Okay God…flex,” was to ask my husband what he thought about having my breast implants removed. It was a workday morning. And this is how the conversation went down:

Me: “Hey, hon. I have something really important to talk about with you, but I want it to be the best time for you, so do you know when that might be? Maybe tonight?”

He seemed concerned. He asked what it was about, and I referred to the fact that it concerned about what we would do about my breast implants and the need to do something.

Him: “Go ahead…Tell me what you’re thinking.”
Me: “Well, I am thinking about getting them taken out…for good.”
Awkward, what felt like eternity, silent pause.
Him: “Are you asking me what I prefer?”
The sound of my heart hitting the floor and shattering into a million pieces.
Me: “No. Never mind. I get it.”

I went into my bathroom, shut the door, shook my fist at God, and said, “See…you didn’t protect me. You didn’t do what you said you would do!” I was crushed.


In the next moment, a small miracle happened. There was a soft knock at the door and my husband said, “Can I come in?” He saw my eyes and began to tell me how he did that wrong and asked for my forgiveness. (Miracle!) He began to speak words of life and encouragement and how if this is what I wanted to do, then he would support me.

He left for work and I exhaled. Still a little sore from the initial punch to the gut, but certain that God just showed up. The fact that my husband, who is often in an early-morning rush, came back to right his wrong — just evidence that the living God lives inside of him, our marriage, and our home.

Breakthrough is often found on the other side of taking one on the chin.

That day I boarded a plane to Atlanta. Right before takeoff, I received an out-of-the-blue text from a friend of mine, a fellow Revelation Wellness instructor, who was asking for prayers. She was heading to a plastic surgeon to have her breast implants removed.

“WHAT??!! Are you kidding me? What is going on, here? God…you are funny!”

And so, a conversation began—a mentoring if you will—for such a season as this. Now I wasn’t totally alone in what felt like a scary and crazy thing. God was way ahead of me on this one.

Alisa Keeton, Founder of Revelation Wellness is an author, speaker, and freedom bringer. Alisa’s life’s purpose is to make healthy disciples who make healthy disciples. She believes in the power of the Body Of Christ and its many unique parts making up one complete whole. Like any body, it grows best under tension. We are living in the best of times for tension. Let’s train!

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5 Responses

  1. Alisa, I have never talked to your husband, but I saw him at HopeFest. My first impression was “Here is a man who loves and supports his wife unconditionally. ” . He had a soft and “slightly bewildered” expression that I see commonly on men like that. I see it in my husband, too. I did not doubt he would support you. I think his pause was just to search for the perfect thing to say to protect you. That’s my very external point of view. Just wanted you to know.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story, Alisa. So brave and courageous of you. I know you probably had many people praying for you as you prepared to do it. Awesome 🙂 I, too, can relate to your story in many ways. I have never had implants but have struggled with my body image and insecurity for a long, long time. After being married to my husband for a year, I found out that he had been hiding (and battling) an addiction to pornography for many many years. That was the biggest hit to my insecurity and with it came a lot of mistrust, confusion, anger but also grace, love and forgiveness. 🙂 After having our three little ones, my chest has become quite small. Ha! I have had a lot of those same questions go through my mind over the past 8 years about Jason and what he thought of my body. The lies can be SO destructive. I have learned (and am still and probably will always be learning) that I am beautiful no matter what size they are or any other body part, for that matter. And that my husband’s past addiction had NOTHING to do with me. Yes, he has been free from it for about 2 years! Only by the GRACE of God! Anyway, thank you for sharing your heart and one of your deepest struggles with all of us. You are touching so many! I hope and pray that God will be able to use my story to help minister to others in the days to come. Grace and peace!

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