What would it take for you to make a change?

Weight loss can be a very self-focused endeavor. Perhaps you have struggled with your weight your entire life, never feeling at peace in your body, riding a roller coaster of emotions as you watch numbers on a scale go up and down. Maybe you’ve been keenly aware throughout your life of both obsessing over your body and neglecting it. Friend, do you have a hard time loving the skin you are in? Does loving God and others often feel like more of a chore than a joy?

The Wellness Revelation will challenge you to get fit by seeking God first and foremost.

God wants to free you from what weighs you down and keeps you from your marvelous purpose. In these pages, you will learn how to live well both physically and spiritually so that you are best equipped to love and serve others from a whole heart. The Wellness Revelation will change the way you love God, yourself and others.

Each week in this eight-week journey includes weekly coaching from a certified Revelation Wellness instructor, video teachings from Alisa Keeton, weekly fitness training assignments, Bible study, 8-week workout calendar with video workouts, small group questions, suggested food list, and more. Each will encourage you to love God, get healthy, and serve others and will provide you with the tools to spread the gospel with courage, confidence, kindness, and freedom.

It’s time to make a change from the inside out.

Watch this video from the author, alisa keeton

Alisa Keeton is the founder and C.E.O. of Revelation Wellness and the author of The Wellness Revelation. As a twenty-five plus year fitness professional, Alisa feels called to convey the message of wholeness as it pertains to health and well-being of the soul and body. She believes that the Gospel is a wholistic message of heart, mind, soul, and strength and each body holds a story that must be told. It is then that healing, health, and wholeness can truly begin.

Alisa loves to personally interact with Rev’s friends and ‘followers’ online (Facebook LIVE is a favorite); in fact, she’s one of the people you’ll find responding to you on the Revelation Wellness Facebook page. To connect with Alisa and her everyday life, be sure to follow her on Instagram.